We have already talked about internships and the legal issues surrounding paying interns. The law is quite clear about who should be paid and who is exempt – but there are still lots of companies who are not paying interns and potentially not aware of the law.
Recruiter has just announced that HM Revenue and Customs are planning a media enforcement campaign – which is aimed at enforcing the law and dealing with illegal practices.
A statement from HMRC says the following:
“Evidence suggests that young workers who apply for internships or work experience are unlikely to proactively complain about non-payment of NMW.”
“Therefore, to tackle the issue HMRC will conduct targeted enforcement on those trade sectors who traditionally use interns and work experience as a means for young people to gain the experience necessary to work in these trade sectors.”
“Targeted enforcement activity can include (but is not limited to): Unannounced visits to companies, and educational work to help employers understand their responsibilities.”
If you’re employing or thinking of recruiting an intern – give us a call and we’d be happy to explain the law and the interpretations.
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